History Connections Primary Grades- Book 4 Modern- Maps & Worksheets
This is the Maps & Worksheets needed for the HC Primary Grades Modern set. It includes the Moon Crescent Template Poster (60x90cm, to be assembled) and the World Wall Map with Icons (60x90cm, to be assembled).
What you would need to add:
For the complete set, you would also need the HC Primary Grades Modern lesson Plans.
The Modern program of the Primary grades uses the Usborne Internet Linked Encyclopedia of History ISBN 978-1409562511. This spine text is used in book 1 through 4 of the program, so you buy to once for both years.
If you not already have it, you would need to add the History Intersections Edition 2 as well. History Intersections is used in book 2 through 4 of the primary program and all books of the Middle grades program, so you would need to purchase this only once.
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