Super Servants Stories- Book 3- A Clever Mind: The Story of prophet Ibrahim (as)
The set of little story books is ideal for reading the stories of the prophets aloud. Each story is told in a captivating way, with enchanting illustrations.
All facts have checked and verified by shyookh from Azhar University and a list of resources is added in the back of each story.
This is book 3 of the set of Super Servants Stories: A Clever Mind: The Story of prophet Ibrahim (as)
The series includes all 10 story books that are covered in Book 1- Ancients of the History Connections program.
Other titles in this series:
The Forbidden Tree: The Story of prophet Adam (as)
A New Beginning: The Story of prophet Nuh (as)
A Clever Mind: The Story of prophet Ibrahim (as)
From Darkness into Light: The Story of prophet Ya'qub (as) & Prophet Yusuf (as)
An Attitude of Gratitude: The Story of prophet Ayyub (as)
Forgotten Favors: The Story of prophet Musa (as) & Harun (as)
Jalut the Giant Fell: The Story of prophet Dawud (as)
A Kingdom Like No Other: The Story of prophet Sulayman (as)
Darkness Within Darkness: The Story of prophet Yunus (as)
Under The Palm Tree: The Story of prophet 'Isa (as)
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